13 Jan 2012

The Ballad of Halo Jones

The second Scytheplays production is an adaptation of Alan Moore and Ian Gibson's legendary comic series from 2000AD Magazine, The Ballad of Halo Jones, in collaboration with Lass O'Gowrie Productions.  The story has been adapted for the stage (from Books One and Two of the three-volume saga) by Ross Kelly, with additional material by Ian Winterton.

This is the company's first step in what will hopefully be a long and exciting journey of bringing literary science fiction to the theatre stage - the bringing together of the very disparate audiences for stage drama and written SF being part of the company's mission statement.

The show has just completed a very successful run at the Lass O'Gowrie and you can read reviews at WritinghoodForbidden Planet, Fictionmaker and Ed Fortune's blog.  Further performances are currently in the planning stages.